Friday, January 18, 2008

A Word from Our Friends at the Center for Political Education in San Francisco, California

Greetings partners, allies, friends, and comrades!
On January 26, people around the world will be taking to the streets to prove that "another world is possible." In a demonstration of our commitment to a better world, the people of the Bay Area will be holding a protest vigil to demand affordable housing and Reconstruction of New Orleans, the Gulf Coast and Black and working class communities everywhere. Join us at the home of Sen. Dianne Feinstein as we call on her to step up to ensure the passage of the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act (SB 1668).
Global Day of Action!
3.00 - 5.00pm
2460 Lyon at Vallejo in San Francisco
We are asking you consider
1. Sending at least two people from your organization, or if you are not in an organization, committing to attending and bringing a friend to the action, RSVP by 1/22
2. Forward this e-mail out on your organizations list serve and/or to friends and family
3. If you can offer rides for others to get to the action, let us know
Please join this effort to represent the Bay Area in solidarity with displaced people locally, nationally and around the globe! Attached and below is the flyer in English and Spanish.
Center for Political Education
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita exposed the racism and contempt that corporate America and the U.S. government have for the poor, working class and majority Black population of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Instead of reconstructing the region so that people could return to their homes and communities after this unnatural disaster, the U.S. government has decided to bulldoze thousands of public housing units- and to replace those units with luxury condominiums.

This displacement is not only happening in New Orleans. Working class and Black people are being pushed out of San Francisco and Oakland. But the fight for housing, jobs and reconstruction is on.

Join us for a protest vigil as activists from across the Bay Area support the Green Ribbon Campaign which was launched by activists fighting for affordable housing and Reconstruction for Black and working people of New Orleans and throughout the Gulf Coast.

For more information on the protest vigil and the Green Ribbon Campaign, please contact the Katrina Solidarity Network at 510-451-5466

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